Massachusetts hospital offers free ThinPrep Pap Test cervical cancer screenings

Norwood, MA
On Tuesday, Sept. 9, Caritas Norwood Hospital will offer free cervical cancer screenings. Dr. June S. Chun of the hospital’s Obstetrics/Gynecology Department and Small Miracles Family Birthing Center will conduct the screenings.
Dr. Chun will use the ThinPrep Pap Test, a liquid-based test that employs a fluid transport medium to preserve cells, eliminate debris and distribute a representative portion of cells on a slide in a uniform, even layer. The ThinPrep Pap Test is approved by the FDA as “significantly more effective” than the conventional Pap smear for the detection of low-grade and more severe lesions, thereby increasing the opportunity to detect and treat cervical abnormalities earlier.
According to American Cancer Society estimates, nearly 11,150 women in the United States were diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2007 and about 3,670 died of the disease. Cervical cancer is almost 100 percent curable if detected early.
Dr. Chun is a member of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology and is in practice with Dr. John Al-Jamal and Margaret Duggan, Nurse Practitioner at Caritas Ob/Gyn of Walpole.
Labels: Cervical Cancer Screening, Pap Smear Test, ThinPrep Pap Test