Studies underway to determine why obesity surgery thins bones

from Red Orbit
Experts say melting fat from obesity surgery somehow thins bones and even suggest that patients who undergo these procedures might have twice the average person's risk for a fracture, and are more likely to break a hand or foot, The Associated Press reported.
Further research is now under way to see if The Mayo Clinic's finding is significant. But specialists say uncovering long-term side effects from bariatric surgery and how to counter them takes on new urgency as more and more overweight people are electing to try it.
Dr. Shonni Joy Silverberg of Columbia University told last week's annual meeting of The Endocrine Society that these procedures are now being sold as a panacea.
"It is of heightened importance to find the answers to these questions," he said.
And perhaps the only positive thing you'll ever hear a doctor say about too much fat is that obesity actually is considered protective against bone-weakening osteoporosis.
Mayo bone-metabolism expert Dr. Jackie Clowes said overweight people are starting out better than most of us when it comes to staving off osteoporosis.
Therefore, researchers are working towards answering whether those who undergo the procedures really end up with worse bones, or just go through a transition period as their bones adjust to their new body size.
In the United States, some 15 million people are classified as extremely obese (100 pounds or more overweight). With rampant diabetes and other health problems, surgery is fast becoming the preferred treatment.
Options include stomach stapling called gastric bypass to less invasive stomach banding procedures, where patients tend to lose between 15 percent and 25 percent of their original weight — dramatically improving diabetes symptoms.
The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery shows that more than 1.2 million U.S. patients have undergone the surgery in the past decade, 220,000 in the last year alone.
Now large National Institutes of Health studies on both adults and teens are underway to find more data on how patients fare many years after the surgeries.
However, doctors know that radical weight loss can speed bone turnover until the breakdown of old bone outpaces the formation of new bone.
A year after gastric bypass, adults' hip density drops as much as 10 percent, raising concern about a common fracture site of old age, according to more recent studies.
And while almost half of peak bone mass develops during adolescence, more research is needed to determine if teen bones react similarly.
The Mayo team is comparing the medical records of nearly 300 adults who've had bariatric surgery with similarly aged Minnesotans who haven't, to see if such changes translate into fractures.
Mayo's Dr. Elizabeth Haglind told the endocrinology meeting that a quarter of the 142 surgery recipients studied so far experienced at least one fracture in the following years. That group had twice the average risk six years after the surgery.
Interestingly, the surgery recipients had three times the risk of hand and foot fractures than their Minnesota neighbors.
Dr. Scott Shikora, president of the bariatric surgeons group, said he was shocked at the numbers because he hasn't seen a significant fracture problem in his own practice.
Shikora estimates about half of surgery patients follow their doctor’s advice to take extra calcium and vitamin D, and other research suggests higher doses may be needed anyway as the obese tend to start out with vitamin D deficiency.
“Don't skip checkups, where doctors monitor bone health, and aggressively treat nutrient deficiencies,” Clowes advised.
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Labels: bariatric surgery, gastric bypass risks, gastric bypass side effects, Mayo Clinic

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