Kentucky leads U.S. in cervical cancer deaths

Paducah, KY
Lieutenant Governor Dan Mongiardo says more women in Kentucky die from cervical cancer than anywhere else in the country. So he is leading the effort to inform you about the disease and how it can be prevented. This week is Cervical Cancer Awareness Week across Kentucky. Mongiardo stopped in Paducah Monday where he talked more about this disease at Lourdes Hospital. He says there are three tools woman can use to stop cervical cancer from happening to them. One is abstinence because the Human papillomavirus can cause and does cause cervical cancer. The second tool is screening because it's important to find it before it turns into cancer. And three is the new vaccine that is available that will cure or prevent 70 to 80 percent of all known cervical cancers. He says the state's universities will have booths set up this week where you can stop by and get more information about this disease. One of those booths will open at Noon Tuesday at Murray State University's Curris Center.
Labels: Cervical Cancer Awareness, Cervical Cancer Prevention

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