Guardasil --The first step towards universal healthcare

Remember when the Founding Fathers wanted to keep government out of citizen’s lives as much as possible? They would have probably turned over in their grave to know that 1/5 of the American economy could be based on government healthcare. One party seems to want Universal Healthcare as part of the government. They want to open the door. The best example to date --Merck Corporation. The product-- Guardasil.
An article published by Star Parker on TownHall cites Milton Friedman explaining that the person buying healthcare is most often the person not paying for it—usually insurance companies, or the government. According to the Wall Street Journal, the government now pays for 45% of our heath care bills--including Medicare.
Just recently, Merck announced that it was eliminating its nationwide lobbying campaign to mandate that preteen schoolgirls (9-13) receive Guardasil. Before that Texas, Massachusetts, Virginia, and New Jersey had already mandated the vaccine, and 38 other states were considering it as a prerequisite for school attendance.
Maybe the unresolved questions regarding efficacy and safety were an influence. In July, CBS Evening News ran a story about how Judicial Watch had obtained more than 8000 adverse events reports about Guardasil under the Freedom of Information law. They included severe headaches, dizziness, temporary loss of vision, grand-mal seizures, spontaneous abortions, and contractions of Guillain-Barr Syndrome.
The NVIC (National Vaccine Information Center) reported the same adverse events as Judicial Watch. But the government still wanted to mandate use of Guardasil. Unnoticed was the fact that the NVIC had determined annual pap smears curbed cervical cancer 74% between 1955 and 1992.
Guardasil is thought to be effective for up to 5 years, followed by booster shots. But Merck has never have mentioned that the drug does not protect against Chlamydia, herpes, hepatitis, trichomaniasis, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, AIDS, and other sexually transmitted diseases. But the mainstream media has called it a cancer vaccine.
Actually, Guardasil is a vaccine that prevents HPV (human papillomavirus) which has some strains that may cause cervical cancer. A LifeNews story reported that Cynthia Janak, a researcher, had found evidence in the FDA’s documentation revealing they knew that HPV is not the actual cause of cervical cancer, but a “persistent HPV infection that may act as a tumor promoter in cancer induction.” She went on to say, “Most infections are short lived and not associated with cervical cancer”.
Bottom line is about 90% of HPV infections simply clear up within two years. But we know the infection is not the problem that a good immune system can’t handle. One can pay ~$400 for an initial 3-shot regimen, however. It is supposed to be good for only ~70% of HPV viruses. But over 40 states wanted the government to mandate the shots.
One could also realize that ~3700 US women died of cervical cancer in 2006 (National Cancer Institute). But it’s also known that 36,000 US citizens/year die from the flu (Center for Disease Control). In comparison, 178,480 American women this year will be diagnosed with breast cancer, and 40,460 will die. (CDC)
It is more than eye-opening, before its approval in 2006, only 1200 young girls were tested for compatibility to Guardasil, along with a few thousand others. Nobody knows its long-term consequences. The manufacturer admits this and agrees that it does not know its effect on girls’ immune systems, cancer risks, reproductive systems, or possible genetic effects.
Remember, if you can’t afford it, the government (i.e., taxpayers) will pay for it. In her TownHall article, Star Parket puts Universal Healthcare into perspective: “If you don’t know the price tag of what you are buying, how can you know how much to buy?”
Ten deaths have been reported since September 2007 and a total of 18 since the FDA approval in 2006. That puts this vaccine at causing one death per month. The incredible thing is, even though its approval was ‘pushed’ through, few girls were actually tested, no one really knows the long-term affects, it only works for ~70% of HPV cases, they believe people prefer multiple shots to their own immune system, it’s 8x the cost of a measles vaccine, it’s being used as a substitute for an annual pap smear, and it’s assumed these girls will become sexually active before 17. But the ones that don’t will still need the injections according to the government.
Universal Healthcare—it’s a wonderful thing. Only the government could think up something like Guardasil, and make the user and taxpayers pay through the teeth for the product, with that kind of a track record.
You can even get Universal Healthcare by voting for one particular presidential candidate. The problem is, if you feed the beast (government) long enough (with taxes), the beast may come back to bite you—hard.
Labels: Cervical Cancer Prevention, Cervical Cancer Research

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