Study: Weight loss 6 months after gastric byass no different for patients who had mood and eating disorders pre-op
Storrs, CT
Researchers detail in 'Effect of mood and eating disorders on the short-term outcome of laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass,' new data in eating disorders. "We examined whether patients with a history of mood and eating disorders (MED) had less weight loss and poorer treatment compliance after laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (LRYGBP) than patients with a history of either mood (MD)or eating disorders (ED), or no history of mood or eating disorders (ND). Consecutive LRYGBP patients (n=196; 43.6 ±10.9 years; BMI 47.2 ±7.4 kg/m2; 83.2% female, 91.8% Caucasian) underwent a preoperative psychological evaluation," investigators in the United States report (see also Eating Disorders Therapy).Gastric Bypass Malpractice Attorney - Medical Malpractice Trial Lawyer
"At 6 months post-surgery, body mass index (BMI), % excess weight loss (%EWL), hospital readmissions, and adherence to behavioral recommendations were assessed. Of the patients, 10.2% had MED, 36.7% had ED only, 24.0% had MD only, and 29.1% of patients had ND. MED patients fared worse than all other groups in dietary violations (p=0.03), exercise habits (p=0.05), and readmission rates (p=0.06) but there were no group differences in either BMI change or %EWL," wrote A.A. Gorin and colleagues, University of Connecticut, Center for Health.
The researchers concluded: "MED patients are at-risk for poor treatment compliance following LRYGBP; however, they achieve similar weight losses 6 months postoperatively."
Gorin and colleagues published their study in Obesity Surgery (Effect of mood and eating disorders on the short-term outcome of laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. Obesity Surgery, 2009;19(12):1685-90).
For additional information, contact A.A. Gorin, University of Connecticut, Dept. of Psychology, Center for Health, Intervention and Prevention, Storrs, CT
Labels: gastric bypass research, gastric bypass risks, gastric bypass surgery

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