Teens having gastric bypass surgery and lap band procedure to lose weight

Chicago, IL
On yesterday’s ‘Oprah’ TV show we got to see teens that underwent either lapband or gastric bypass surgery in order to lose weight. Gastric Bypass and lapband procedure are similar in that they goal is to reduce the size of their stomachs to lose weight. The lapband procedure is more reversible in that they do not create a smaller stomach; they use a band to constrict the flow of food. Gastric bypass is a permanent procedure that the surgeons create a smaller stomach.gastric bypass malpractice lawsuits
One teenager underwent lapband surgery in Tijuana Mexico at the age of 13. The mother said that she would have done it in the US, but nobody would do this procedure for someone this young. The daughter seemed to be happy with the results and has trimmed down. More >>
Labels: gastric bypass surgery, Lap-Band surgery, teen gastric bypass

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