Early detection essential to preventing cervical cancer

Orlando, FL
Every year in the United States, 11,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer and 4,000 will die from it.cervical cancer mis-diagnosis lawyers
News 13's Christine Webb explains why education and early detection are such an important part of prevention.
Girl Scouts may be an unlikely audience for a discussion about cervical cancer, but Allison Hicks is a cancer survivor and she is trying to spread the word about ways to prevent the disease.
"I had no idea that this type of cancer even exited," Hicks said.
Hicks was diagnosed three years ago. She learned that cervical cancer is caused by the human papilloma virus or HPV -- which is transmitted sexually.
"Cervical cancer is definitely preventable. It's preventable by not allowing transmission of HPV to the woman," said Dr. Ursula Matulonis, of the Dana Farber Cancer Insitute. More >>
Labels: Cervical Cancer Awareness, Cervical Cancer Screening, Cervical Cancer Survivors

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