Most Common Causes of Gastric Bypass Surgery Malpractice
Pulmonary Embolism
A pulmonary embolism is a free-floating blood clot, detached in the bloodstream, that causes a sudden blockage of the pulmonary artery. Pulmonary embolism is the leading cause of death during and after gastric bypass surgery.
Gastric bypass surgeons must take proper precautions against pulmonary embolism before, during, and after gastric bypass surgery is performed.
Due care and attention must be given to:
Minimize the risk of the occurrence of pulmonary embolism
Quickly diagnose pulmonary embolism upon occurrence
Immediately initiate proper treatment
A gastric bypass surgeon's failure to quickly diagnose and properly treat pulmonary embolism can cause severe damage to the lung and result in sudden cardiopulmonary arrest (heart and lung failure) and death.

There are two types of drugs that most often are used together to treat pulmonary embolism. The first type of drug used to treat pulmonary embolism is a blood clot dissolving, blockage removing enzyme called a “tissue plasminogen activator” (TPA). The other type of drug that is used to treat pulmonary embolism is called an “anticoagulant” (blood thinner), which helps keep additional blood clots from forming.
While pulmonary embolism is less likely to happen than gastric leak or bleeding, the chance of death from pulmonary embolism is much higher. The reason the chance of death from pulmonary embolism is much higher than from bleeding or gastric leak is because of the very short period of time within which pulmonary embolism must be accurately diagnosed and properly treated for there to be a chance for survival.
If you or a loved one may have been the victim of a careless or inexperienced gastric bypass surgeon, contact us today for free, private consultation.
Gastric Bypass Surgery Malpractice
Table of Contents
(click on link to be taken to page)
What is Gastric Bypass Surgery?
Medical Problems Caused by Morbid Obesity
Treatment for Morbid Obesity
Who is a Proper Candidate for Gastric Bypass Surgery?
Most Common Major Complications of Gastric Bypass Surgery
Leakage of Gastric Fluid
Pulmonary Embolism
Most Common Causes of Gastric Bypass Surgery Malpractice
Inexperience of the Surgeon Performing Gastric Bypass Surgery
Gastric Bypass Surgery on Patient Who is Not a Proper Candidate
Failure to Diagnose and Properly Treat Leakage of Gastric Fluid
Failure to Diagnose and Properly Treat Pulmonary Embolism
Failure to Diagnose and Properly Treat Gastric Bleed
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