Surgical treatment of cervical cancer

Kansas City, MO
There are several different types of treatment for cervical cancer. Surgery is a way in which cervical cancer can be treated and there are many different types of surgery that can be used. The type of surgery used depends on several factors as well as the stage of the cancer. Most patients will still need some form of radiation and/or chemotherapy even if they do undergo some type of surgery for cervical cancer.
Treating Cervical Cancer Through Surgery: Laser Surgery
This type of surgery is done as an outpatient procedure in cases where the cancer hasn't spread. During this surgery as laser is used to “vaporize” any abnormal cells. This type of surgery is not able to be used in those with invasive cervical cancer.
Treating Cervical Cancer Through Surgery: Cryosurgery
This surgery is used when the cancer is still within the cervix. The cancer cannot have penetrated cervical tissues to a deep layer either. During this procedure liquid nitrogen and a probe are used to freeze any abnormal cervical cells in order to kill them.
Treating Cervical Cancer Through Surgery: LEEP
This type of surgery is used when the cancer has not spread. This procedure involves using a wire that is heated by electricity to remove any abnormal tissues.
Treating Cervical Cancer Through Surgery: Simple Hysterectomy
This surgery is done when cervical cancer has yet to spread further than the uterus. During this procedure the cervix and uterus are removed. They can be removed through the abdomen (incision) or through the vagina.
Treating Cervical Cancer Through Surgery: Radical Hysterectomy
Once the cancer spreads further than the cervix this surgery may be performed. During this procedure the cervix, uterus, upper vagina, ovaries, parametrium, fallopian tubes and all or some of the local lymph nodes are removed. After this surgery a woman will need to undergo hormone replacement therapy to alleviate the symptoms of menopause.
Treating Cervical Cancer Through Surgery: Pelvic Exenteration
This surgery is very rarely performed and it is extreme. It involves removing the same organs that are removed in a radical hysterectomy plus additional organs. Other organs that may be removed include the vagina, the rectum and the bladder. External bags may be needed to collect rectal and bladder waste if these organs are removed. In some cases the healthy sections of the colon can be reconnected so that the patient does not need an external bag to collect waste. Vaginal reconstruction may be done if the vagina is removed. This surgery is only used in very rare and extreme cases of cervical cancer.
For More Information:
Misread Pap Test Cervical Cancer Malpractice Lawsuits
Labels: Cervical Cancer Awareness, Cervical Cancer Treatment

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