Gastric bypass alternative: Lap band procedure

Texoma, KS
We continue our Special Report on Fighting Obesity with a look at Laproscopic Adjustable Gastric or Lap Band Surgery. This operation does not interfere with the normal digestive process, but doctors say it's not for everyone because it does require a higher level of self discipline.
It's performed by placing a hollow band around the stomach. A small pouch is then created along with a narrow passage into the rest of the stomach. The band can be loosened or tightened over time by injecting saline into a small port placed underneath the skin. After the operation, patients can no longer eat large amounts of food at one time. At first, the pouch holds about 1 ounce of food, later most patients can eat about a cup of food without feeling sick.
"Some patients will say you know doctor that's really all that I need is to reduce the volume that I'm eating. And that will be adequate and indeed it does for some patients it will work very satisfactory." said Bariatric Surgeon Dr. Kenneth Warnock.
With any Bariatric Surgery comes the concern of life threatening risks. But Dr. Warnock says the reality is, the problems are often highlighted more than the success.
"Large studies show if compared to patients who have had surgery to those who have not at the end of approximately 8 years the mortality rate goes down 50% and that number includes all the risks and side effects of the operation itself." said Warnock.
In fact the medical risks of not having the surgery often far outweigh any concerns of having surgery! Both the Lap Band and Gastric Bypass are reversible but as you can imagine most patients never want to look back. In fact to keep from gaining the weight back, many join support groups.
"If they are going to do well they need life long professional support by someone who really understands."
Patients also get check ups from Dr. Warnock every six months for their rest of their lives. Patients say it's just another way to help hold them accountable.
"They say the doctor knowing I'm going to be back to see you in some fixed time helps me stay on the straight and narrow!"
The cost of the Lap-Band Procedure runs around $16,000. That price includes doctor and hospital fees.
We will continue our look into Bariatric Surgery every Wednesday at Five, Six and Ten through out the month.
Next week we take a closer look at two women who had Bariatric Surgery and how it's completely changed their lives.
Labels: gastric bypass surgery alternatives, Lap-Band surgery

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