With care, cervical cancer concerns can be combated
Dallas, TX
While the cause and origin of many cancers remains at least partially unknown, there's a clear cause-and-effect relationship between the human papilloma virus, or HPV, and cervical cancer.cervical cancer mis-diagnosis attorneys
"Now that we know the cause of this kind of cancer, it may be possible to prevent it entirely," says Dr. John Schorge, a gynecological oncologist at UT Southwestern Medical Center.
Practicing safe sex can help reduce exposure to the virus, and an annual Pap smear can detect cellular changes in the cervix that may indicate cancer.
Researchers have developed a vaccine that protects against four HPV types, which together cause 70 percent of cervical cancers. Adult women should talk to a doctor about whether they should get the vaccine, Dr. Schorge says.
Labels: Cervical Cancer Awareness

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