Researchers Warn of Side Effects of Gastric Bypass Surgery

Researchers Warn of Side Effects of Gastric Bypass Surgery
The results of two separate studies conducted at Washington Hospital Center show the potential for postoperative nutritional deficiency in gastric bypass surgery patients.
The results of the studies suggest that a condition known as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, which can be a very serious condition that impacts on how the body absorbs vitamins, minerals and elements such as calcium and zinc.
This is a condition that cannot be taken lightly in so far as about 150,000 people will have gastric bypass surgery this year alone. And there are wide variations in surgical techniques.
In one of the studies, conducted by Dr. Timothy Koch the researchers theorize that gastric bypass surgery alters the gut ecology and that could induce calcium deficiency. The surgical changes to the stomach that create a gastric pouch, which is done in a procedure known as the Roux-en-Y procedure has an impact on the number of cells in the lining of the stomach that produce acid. In addition, many patients are given acid suppressing drugs after their surgery. More >>
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Labels: bariatric surgery, gastric bypass research, gastric bypass risks, gastric bypass side effects

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