Free Cervical Cancer Vaccine - Demand Exceeds Supply in N.H.
Free Cervical Cancer vaccine. Sounds great. It is the right thing to do. Saves lives. Does no harm. What possibly could be the issue? Oh, money.
Quesston #1: How many politicians, when pressed, do you think publically would take the position that the lives of 3/4 of New Hampshire's women are not worth $360 apiece?
Question #2: So where's the money?
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"We expected all along there would be an initial demand, but there is a finite amount of resources," said Greg Moore, spokesman for the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services. "This program is going to take a significant part of our budget over the next four years."
New Hampshire was the first state to approve free distribution of the Gardasil vaccine, which protects against four strains of a sexually transmitted infection called human papillomavirus, or HPV, that can cause cervical cancer.
The program started in January and the state expected to vaccinate only about one-quarter of eligible girls this year, but advertising has stimulated demand, said state Public Health Director Mary Ann Cooney.
"I've got to say that the public is clamoring for it," said Dr. Elizabeth Sanders of Sanders Family Medicine in Concord, New Hampshire.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently approved the vaccine for girls and women ages 9 to 26. The state's free vaccine is available only through age 18. People seeking the vaccine outside New Hampshire's free program typically pay about $360 for the three required shots, spread out over six months.
Quesston #1: How many politicians, when pressed, do you think publically would take the position that the lives of 3/4 of New Hampshire's women are not worth $360 apiece?
Question #2: So where's the money?
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