Types of Medical Malpractice and Surgical Malpractice
Emergency Room Medical Malpractice

In the emergency room, time is of the essence. When a person goes to the emergency room, he or she has a right to expect that the doctors there will accurately diagnose and properly treat the injury, condition, or illness with which they presented. Delays in diagnosis and/or treatment in the emergency room may result in serious injury, permanent disability, and even death.
Failures to diagnose the nature and/or severity of infections in a timely manner and/or delays in instituting proper treatment are a common type of malpractice that occurs in emergency rooms across the country.
Septicemia (sepsis), for example, is a serious, life-threatening infection that gets worse very quickly. Emergency room doctors sometimes fail to recognize symptoms of septicemia (sepsis). A delay in the diagnosis of septicemia (sepsis) or the failure to diagnose septicemia (sepsis) may result. Because septic infections worsen so quickly, the consequences of a delay in diagnosis and providing proper treatment can be catastrophic.
If you or a loved one has been hurt by a delay in diagnosis or the failure to diagnose septicemia (sepsis) or any other serious medical condition, please Click Here to request a FREE, confidential medical malpractice case evaluation and consultation. Knowledge is power. Let us help.
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